2/25/07 7:30 p.m.

Pretty rough day for Josh today. He only slept about a half hour last night so he was feeling pretty poopy! :-) His attitude was quite positive considering the circumstances. He did end up skipping his last physical therapy session of the day because he was so exhausted. He has tried to stay awake today so that he can catch some ZZZ's tonight. 

Josh continues to have more feeling in other parts of his body, but as of yet, we have seen no movement.  We know that means that his spinal cord is becoming less swollen which means that movement could be one second, one minute, one hour, one day, one month, one year, one lifetime away.  It is amazing how little we know yet how much we hope for. We plead with God to heal Josh's body and have faith that he is able, yet we do not know his plan.  

All of the unanswered questions is one of the hardest things for me. I'm an answers girl.  Just tell me the plan, tell me what to expect and let me deal with it.  I think that in this regard, this situation has been harder than losing Ava.  When we lost Ava, there was no going back.  She was just...gone.  There were no questions such as "is she coming back?" We knew from the start that it was finished.  With Josh, we just keep hoping, praying and pleading with Josh.  We have obviously not gotten any immediate answers; no angel in Josh's hospital room saying, "Trust me, I will heal you." I do not say this all flippantly. It is just our truth right now.

We had an incredible visit with a family from Rockford today. Olivia, a 15 year old, had an English project to put a smile on someone's face. After some thought, she picked us (we had never met her before today). She sent out a mass e-mail and asked others to do the same. All in all, she raised $5,000!!!! Can you believe that? 5 G's?  We were psyched. She was a total sweetheart along with the rest of her family. They prayed with us before they left and it was very meaningful.  Isn't God amazing?

We are going to start watching the Oscar's soon. We both love to watch it and it should be something a bit out of the ordinary. Good night all.

Prayer Requests:


-Sleep and stability for our family

-Movement and use of Josh's fingers 


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